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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

# 5 Free Will-Truth or Fiction

Where to start and arrange the words and subjects covered into a congruous read! Honestly, and unfortunately, there will be no solution, no real answers, regards topics covered. Everything presented here is abstract speculation. Metaphysics, religion, God, Higher Power, spirituality, and reality are mainly speculation.One would think that at least reality could be understood. We experience it every day. Watch it though, seems that scientists have now found that quantum physics, indicates, that what we experience as our world, is not what we think it is. Still trying to sort this one out. Will at this time, leave out most of reality talk, for another post.Part of ones reality seems to include "free will". That leads to choices and decisions. For instance, one can cheat, lie, harm another or purchase a purple and orange suit for dress up. Perhaps you helped care for a hurt animal or bird, maybe risked you life to help save a person in trouble. Even donated some cash to a charity while behind in paying the rent.So you made a decision and a choice. What you did was free will in action , right, or was it! One classical complaint regards free will, is mentioned in the bible. If your interested go to Romans 7:15-24. So now one needs to ask, does one truly have "free will". This can be quite troublesome in ones life. Is there an explanation to this seeming paradox? Yes and no, are both in action here, at least it seems to be so.Have over time really pondered this issue. Also seems that others have looked into this issue. I've listed one site, that has gone into the subject quite well. It makes sense, but how to prove it, still remains an issue with me. Is it even possible to verify in any way? While I do have beliefs on this subject, will need to pursue it further.With the best of intentions, I include:With permission, this is a quote from "Light Whispers, October 5, 2005" newsletter.***DID YOU KNOW…FREE WILL***Did you know…your life can be written in stone and that you may actually have little or no free will? The events that you must experience may be so defined that no matter what you choose to do, the Spirit Guides will manipulate the situations and circumstances so that you end up doing what was written (which is often not what you thought would happen). You cannot change what is written.Did you know…you may have a lot of free will on your life path? It may not matter what you choose to experience in your life. If your spiritual goals and life blueprint do not have events that “must happen” for you to learn what you have chosen, you may be able to do what you want throughout your life.Did you know…different areas or aspects of your life might allow for different amounts of free will? That means that you may have a lot of free will when it comes to your job or career and you may have little or no free will when it comes to your romantic relationships. Each aspect of life is unique and the amount of free will that you have within that aspect depends on what you are here to accomplish in life.Did you know…you decide prior to being born what events will take place in your life and how much free will you will have during your lifetime? There is no one to blame for the experiences that you have or do not have in your life – you chose and agreed to have them.Did you know…if you have a lot of free will, when you make a decision it will affect your life blueprint and you will sit down in Spirit with your Guides and Teachers and make the necessary adjustments to your life path as you go?Did you know… One decision can affect other aspects of your life and that can affect predicted outcomes. That is why when you get a reading, your actions or decisions can change the outcomes of the reading. If you have no free will then what you have been told will come true when it is time.That you can find out if you how much free will you have in certain aspects of your life by
clicking here.

# 4 Health & Emotional Factors

Wont go into the lengthy details involved with this matter, but have been reading many articles that mention the tie-in, of ones emotions, being reflected in their quality of health. Some are good reads, while others are so complex that you just ignore them. The start of it all can be traced to what is often called "The Good Book", namely "The Bible". Now I do some issues as regards the bible, see my " Religious Quandary" on this site, but don't misconstrue what was said there. In reading the EMF ( Emotional Freedom Techniques ) material, I was very impressed with the utter simplicity of the process and what can be achieved, if one did use it. When I downloaded the free manual, it covered in great detail, how to perform the process. One need not buy any thing more to use it. There is an option of course, to buy some CD's, but are not necessary to actually use the process. I was impressed enough to buy three sections of the material, so I could actually see and hear what was taking place. One is encouraged to copy and pass along the copies to whom ever you want. Eventually will obtain the rest of the material offered. For now though, I'm good for a year or so ,with what I have. Why not give it a try, with just the free manual?
The link is:

# 3 Soul Food

Many times while speaking on religion with friends or proselytes, they erroneously conclude at times , that I am some what irreligious. Not so. The conundrum of existence posed a question. So, in pursuit of an answer, I unwillingly joined the ranks, of the perplexed. Many were the times , during these periods of searching, that I wished for that "blind faith" so many others expressed.
It just wasn't there for me.
Is there a doubt in my mind regards a Higher Power, none what so ever.
Over the course of decades, numerous forays into the bible created more problems than answers. That being said, I found many of the words written, to be of great interest, for reasons I wont go into at this time. Now ,what is listed here , is actually how they are written in my original notes. Could have rewritten a word or two, of my original thoughts, but decided to leave them as is. My note in Matthew 21:12 might disturb some. If so see(1 Kings 16:11-12 ) and (2 Kings 9:8 ) but be sure to use an old version of the bible, that was not sanitized.
In checking the verses and numbers, one may have a bit of a problem. I use older versions of the bible, so what you might find is a sanitized version, that may differ in text. Even the meaning may have been man altered, to suit some subtle purpose.
So now I need to point out, should one be concerned about what is written in Revelations 22:18-19?Check it out.You can do some checking of verses at the site listed at the bottom. This is a pro & con type listing, of various religions with interesting comments. Was pleased to find this site, as it was here, that I found the many questions that I had also raised, listed. Only points out that there are other persons that were as "questioning", about things written, as I am. Right or wrong, is not the question , "how you perceive it all", is what really matters, not dogma forced upon you.
This is not the original sequence I followed, that is of no importance here.Listed here are some that had raised many questions in my mind, in the nature of " who, why, what, how come, are you kidding" .- Chapter / Verse - - How I marked my notes
-1 Chronicles 4:10 - Jabez- and God granted what he asked...
-1 Thessolonians 5:23 - Spirit, Soul, and Body...
-Acts of the Apostles 1:14 - and Jesus' brothers...
-Galations 1:18-20 - James the Lords brother...
-Genesis 4:13-16 - Cain kills Abel & now afraid...
-Genesis 6:1,4 - sons of God & Nephilim...
-Genesis 6:6 - God sorry he made man...
-John 14:12,14 - The Works that I do, so shall you also do...
-John 4:44 - Prophet has no honor in his own country...
-Luke 12:54-56 - you see the future in.../ but cant see the present...
-Luke 4:24 - no prophet is acceptable in his own country...
-Luke 7:11,15 - raises a dead person to life...
-Luke 8:43,44,46 - Who touched me...
-Luke 8:49-55 - your not dead, raises dead person...
-Luke 8:8 - hundred fold...
-Luke 9:38-43 - apostles screwed up, Jesus ticked off...
-Mark 10:30 - hundred fold...
-Mark 4:10,11 - To you has been given the secret...
-Mark 4:33,34 - he explained everything...
-Mark 6:3 - Judas brother of Jesus...
-Mark 8:22,25 - Jesus had to work harder on his miracle( blind man)...
-Matthew 10:34,39 - Do not think I have come to bring peace on earth...
-Matthew 13:10,13 - to you it has been given to know the secrets...
-Matthew 13:55 - more, Judas brother of...
-Matthew 13:8,23 - hundred fold...
-Matthew 16:13,15 - Who do they say that the son of man is...
-Matthew 17:20 - mustard seed...
-Matthew 21:12 - Jesus pissed off...
-Matthew 21:22 - What ever you ask in prayer...
-Matthew 25:35,40 - for I was hungry... / do to the least...
-Matthew 6:5,6,7 - Pray in secret, keep it simple, Our Father...
-Matthew 8:13 - Jesus heals Centurions servant- be it done for you, as you have believed...
-Romans 7:15,24 - Paul to the Romans: The things I do... / ought not do....
Shortcut to:

# 2 Our Ultimate Reality: Metaphysics, Life, The Universe, The Occult !

Metaphysics, did that word cause you pause? I think not. How about the word "religion" , did that shake you up? No! Yet if one says the word, "occult", most will raise an eyebrow of "Oh.Oh", with various looks of surprise or even question your sanity. Most people have never taken the time to look up the word and fail to understand its true meaning. Most will apply only what they have heard about it, all of it being nasty. So, you say my religion forbids its practice! Practice of what? Do you read the bible! Oh, you nasty occultist. From my point of view, ( even if I do have issues with the good book ) the bible is a beautiful tome of occult material. It even mentions dozens of Master Occultists. Yes, yes , I know many will frown on the words just stated, but to me its a truth. Once past the killing, mass killings, rape, slavery and other bone chilling events, look for the real beauty buried in many of the stories. Reread the words of the Master Jesus. Lets get to the bottom line, the punch words. Can you make any sense of whats happening in our world? Can you make any sense of what your life is all about? Questions like just mentioned, are what lead me to inquire of life," what is this all about"! So years of digging, research, tossing out the bible, finding out that the bible needed to be dug out of where I tossed it, and reviewing all data with a critical eye. Did I get all the answers? Sorry to say , nope. But I did finally start to understand, that there is more to life , than what meets the eye. That there are jewels of wisdom scattered around in numerous books, yes including the bible. Is my life easier for having discovered these jewels, not entirely yet, but making progress. So it was to my delight when I found another source of information that will, I believe enhance my understanding of what its all about.
For your free download:

# 1 Conversations With Me

Well Ancient One , what pearls of wisdom are you entertaining today? Hey smart ass, that sounded like a poke in the ribs! Anyway, who are you? Why are you talking like you got an "in" to say things to me! Hey Ancient One , slow down now, I'm the "voice" that people hear in their head all the time. Of course though, everyone has their own unique special voice that works 24 /7 to keep you on your toes. Most of the times , people just call me " Babbler". Have been called by many other unkind names though. My job is to keep you aware of "what is happening in you". Generally, I'm free wheeling around through all of your systems, looking for anything that's off kilter, nothing is sacrosanct when I'm prowling around. My job is to call it as I see it. From my much maligned point of view, I'm blamed for most of your troubles unfairly. Again I say, I only find it and report it. You , my friend are responsible for what I find. Oh sure, some of my buddy Babblers have gone off the deep end, and in a left handed manner start to contribute to your many problems. Consider for a moment that which you feed to us, physically,mentally and spiritually on a 24 / 7 basis. Oh yes, my friend, its all tied together. Unfortunately, problems arise when certain people start looking at you as only a part of what you really are. My friend you were recognized as a spirit, and soul and body, many century's ago. Hey now, I didn't just make that up, check it out, in what is called the bible. You want a hint on where to find it! Ok,Ok. Let me check out the main files. Oh, here it is, 1 Thessalonians 5:23. So if fed a steady diet of crap, its easy to get screwed up. Often, one will seek help from another person, that person can be called by various names or titles. Doctor, priest, rabbi, specialist, regardless, if your not seen as a whole entity ( spirit, soul and body ) conditions can erode rapidly. If my checking you out is met with great amounts of eroded or negative things, that is what I report, I dont interpret. This negative reporting is how, the name "Babbler"got started in the first place. I dont like it, but its not my "call" to change it. Its your "call". I " the Babbler" am a minuscule entity of a vast number of energies that take on intelligence so to speak. When you get a conversation going in your head, with questions, and seeming answers, these are coming from the numerous energy entitys from all levels of "you". So these energies, regardless of what they are called, gods, devils, demons or angels, are all at work, all the time, prompting you in some direction. Depending on how you reacted, is what "you" are. Serious problems have come up though, when certain kinds of doctors are told that "you hear voices" speaking to you. Might be better, if you just kept your thoughts to yourself. Well Ancient One , I the Babbler haves messed around with your thinking process long enough here, what are you going to do about it!