Notice of New Site Address

If you will, visit my new site that continues with the same type of information and listings as on this site.
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Friday, August 31, 2007

# 13 Roaming The Blogs

Well now, have been online, visiting blogs at random. There are many blogs with very beautiful photos, and some that give off nice "feeling tones", and where I would liked to have been able to read the posts. Wasn't aware though, that some blogs that pop up, are, to my surprise, porn sites, and some are difficult to escape, apparently set up, to not let you readily leave that site. Was under the impression that those type of blogs , were to be flagged or give a warning of their nature, as, adult viewers only. Now I need to clear my browsers cookies, to get rid of them. Anyway, there are so many neat sites that show " comments 0". If a given site looks nice, interesting, or has a set of good landscape photos, why not leave a brief note! No, I did not leave comments on any porn sites. Wont deny that I did peek at a few, before leaving them though, but would not have wanted any of my young kids viewing them ( my kids are all grown up at this point ). Just be aware that some blogs are for adults only, even if no prior warnings are given. Interesting, was coming across blogs, from my old home town area, and other cities that I've visited while on the job, during my working career. Did bring back some memories from those days. Did post a "Did you ever work at" , on one of my blogs. So far no one has responded. Naw, I'm not a dirty old man, just just an old man with a keen interest in this beautiful physical world, and what makes it tick.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

# 12 My Electronic Visits: Unusual and ...

My wide ranging interests and electronic travels are some what shown on these sites. Of course these are only "part" of where and how " I feed my " think tank ". Some will have "freebies" that are interesting to have, others will cause you to rethink what and how you do things. One will perhaps shock you into a " why did I read that " mind set. You may want to "bookmark " some or all of these links.You can sign in to them and get regular updates. Why not come back and let me know your feelings about these sites!
and of course my blogs:
The Psychics Blog -
The Healers Blog -
Razors Edge -
Nothing But The Truth -
The Ancient One Speaks -
See What I See -
Peaceful Warrior -

Thursday, August 09, 2007

# 11 Talker On The Bible and The God Concept

Well now, lets start out this way. Have some very interesting links here, for any that might be doing personal research in religion and on the God concept. Posted in various places in my blogs are posts, that reflect my spiritual wars with the God concepts and the bible, so won't repeat them here. Find them on

The Psychics Blog -
The Healers Blog -
Razors Edge -
Nothing But The Truth -
The Ancient One Speaks -
Peaceful Warrior -

Understood of course, is that my findings and paths, will not necessarily be any others Truth. Appears that the worlds leaders, and many of the people in this world have abandoned common sense, and spiritual values. Reading the daily newspaper and seeing the news on television, indicates that not all is well, world wise.
More and more, a book I read, years ago, reflects that old saying
" the more things change, the more they stay the same".
The book in mind is a long read, but worth it:

" Atlas Shrugged " by Any Rand, is a mystery story, not about the murder of a man's body, but about the murder--and rebirth--of man's spirit.

Seems that what was written, back in the 40's, still applies to what is taking place, today, on a worldly basis. So, who am I to speak out on this! I still stumble, fall, and question this existence, trying to make sense of it all. Life is beautiful, yet, paradoxically, very, very ugly in many respects, world wise. Nothing will change, unless the changes start, with me, and you, one by one, on an ongoing basis
e-Sword is a fast and effective way to study the Bible. e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly with more capabilities than you would expect in a free software package. The fact that e-Sword is free is just one of the blessings and does not speak of the quality of the software. I make my living writing software and I believe I have put forth my best effort in this endeavor. The real work, however, was put in by the godly men and women who devoted countless years creating the texts that have been made available for our benefit.
In His service,
Rick Meyers

Wonderful site to exchange ideas in religion, metaphysics ( New Age / Old Age )